1963: San Diegans involved in MTS founding.
1967: San Diego Section established. A group of leaders in government, industry and education met in San Diego in early 1967 with the intent of forming a local section of the Marine Technology Society. A charter was granted this group on March 30th, 1967and the San Diego Section, comprising San Diego and Imperial Counties, was created.
1975: Oceans ’75, first joint conference with IEEE/OES.
1979: Oceans conference with local Section.
1982: STD conference.
1983: Started ROV Conference, now UI. The conference ran 1983-1992.
1983: Started MTS ROV Committee, still functioning today.
1984: STD conference.
1984: Published “Operational Guidelines for ROVs“.
1984-1986: Bob Wernli was Regional V.P. and Kevin Hardy was Currents Editor.
1984-87: Bi-monthly newsletter, Literal Drift, grows to 16-pages. MTS National newsletter, Currents, appoints the MTS-SD editor to manage that international publication.
1985: Oceans ’85 same year as ROV ’85.
Started MTS conference tutorials program at ROV’85.
1986: ROV ’86 held in Aberdeen, Scotland in conjunction with SUT.
1990: ROV ’90 held in Vancouver, B.C. Canada;
Marine Instrumentation conference in San Diego.
1991: ROV ’91 held in Hollywood, FL.
1991-1994 Jack Jaeger V.P. Technical Affairs (two terms).
1994-1996: Helped create the in-basin human powered submarine event format, then sanctioned by the Guinness Book of Records.
1994-1997: MTS San Diego ran a series of four workshops on “Marine Environmental Technology.” These were held at Scripps Sumner Auditorium, and we had between 100 and 125 attendees at each of them. They were:
1994 – Sustainable Harbors
1995 – Coastal Zone Monitoring
1996 – Space Based Remote Sensing
1997 – Coastal Aquaculture
1995: Oceans ’95 with first CD-ROM proceedings.
1996: Joint Buoy/Cables/Connectors workshop.
1997-2002: Norm Estabrook national president elect/president/prior.
1998: 25th Anniversary Cables/Connectors workshop.
Helped create the first National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB).
1998-present: Larry Nordell’s HS student internship program.
1999: Technical program chair for Oceans ’99 with first COLOR CD-ROM proceedings;
First Yachtfest technical program and proceedings.
1999-2001: ROV Committee website developed and maintained.
MTS national website developed and maintained.
2000: HMCS Yukon sinking technical program and proceedings.
2001: Helped create the first MATE ROV regional invitational, now international.
2003: Helped organize the Scripps Centennial, including Oceans 2003.
2003: Oceans 2003, breaking all records, plus first DVD proceedings with video.
2008: Kevin Hardy V.P. Section Affairs.
Cables/Connectors workshop.
2009: SEALAB III 40th Celebration – Maritime Demo Day.
2010: Trieste 50th Anniversary Celebration
First hardcover MTS Journal “Into the Trench”, edited by Kevin Hardy and Brock Rosenthal
Jerry Wilson, V.P. Industry and Technology.
2013: Oceans 2013.
Contributed to MTS 50th Anniversary publication.
2014: TechSurge, Workshop Cables and Connectors.